
Discussion questions about Scaled now available.

December 30, 2020


Attached are the official discussion questions about Scaled that may be used in book clubs or classrooms.

J.T. Ashmore was interviewed as a finalist for the BookLife Prize.

December 7, 2020


Since Scaled is a finalist for the BookLife Prize, BookLife published an author interview about the experience of writing the book. Check it out!

J.T. Ashmore’s second book, Outside In, book two in the Deep Skin series, has been released.

November 23, 2020


Outside In, book two of the Deep Skin series, is now available for purchase on Amazon. In book two, Silas, Hilde, and Zack face new dangers, and Zoe must decide whether to accept the onset of her scales, or get a vaccine.

Scaled has been selected as a finalist and winner of the YA category for the 2020 BookLife Prize!

November 15, 2020


J.T. Ashmore is thrilled to announce that Scaled, the first book in the Deep Skin series, has been selected as the winner of the YA category and a finalist for the 2020 BookLife Prize. As a result, the book will receive a blurb in Publisher’s Weekly.